Chapter Three:

2 min readJun 10, 2021

Nifty is a natural leader and assumes the role organically in a smooth way. He brings his friends, Bloks and Dex, everywhere he goes. Nifty is smart and quick with his decision making, but his aggressiveness to take action could be pulled back a bit. Bloks is a bit goofy, but he is also kind and strong and rarely comes out of his timid demeaner. He has a natural way of lightening the mood. If situations ever get dire or overwhelming, you can probably count on Bloks to crack a joke and break the tension. Dex may be smarter than Nifty, and she is certainly more patient and calculated with her decisions. She is a great counter balance to Nifty’s action oriented personality.

Together, Nifty, Bloks, and Dex are the Pandoes and they enjoy their life in peace outside of the industrial world where the Suits and the Citz live. The Pandoes are more evolved than the Suits and the Citz because they learned to focus their thoughts inward into their own mind and discovered that the mind is much more vast than the world they physically exist in. The Pandoes live in the natural world physically and admire it’s beauty around them in the physical state, but they explore their existence internally and are able to do so as long as nothing hinders them in the physical world.

The tension between the Suits and Citz as created a dark cloud that is expanding. If this darkness continues to swell and infringe on the Pandoes way of life, it is hard to imagine that they will stand by idly.




I am creating a collection of NFTs on the WAX Blockchain that tells the story of characters known as The Pandoes & how they may help return equity to the world.