Chapter Six:

2 min readJun 25, 2021

Nifty, Dex, and Bloks are coming down from the highlands and will soon enter the forest that ends at the footsteps of the industrial world. The clouds begin to dissipate as the three pandoes make their way down the mountains. It will be a demanding journey through the forest, but they will seek some allies while they are making their way through.

There is a secretive group of pandas in the forest who have built a vast network of skilled individuals who can work together for hire like an organized militia of sorts. These pandas are known as the Fast Team. They can rally together, move separately, or divide into strategic groups and act quickly to accomplish missions. Normally, they would exchange their services for resources, but they have been known to help others in need voluntarily.

Just before they embark into the forest, the pandoes find a small package with “Rplanet” printed on it with a tag that reads “Edition: 1” and “Rarity: Common.” In this unfamiliar setting the pandoes debate whether to open the package or not. After a brief discussion, they decide they will open the package because the item inside will likely help them on their journey. The pandoes will draw straws to see who will take the item inside with them through the forest. Who will get the item?




I am creating a collection of NFTs on the WAX Blockchain that tells the story of characters known as The Pandoes & how they may help return equity to the world.