Chapter Seven:

2 min readJul 8, 2021

Dex is the first of the Pandoes to set eyes on the industrial world and the darkness and oppression she observes saddens her in a deep way. The Fast Team is at her back and they are lacking the sadness that they can see in Dex because they are becoming enraged at the imbalance between the lives of the Suits and the Citz. But, as the Fast Team with Dex looks on and eagerly awaits their moment to help right some of these wrongs, Nifty is arriving at the edge of the sprawling cities and polluted skyline.

Nifty is simply angry at what his eyes have cast upon and the Fast Team behind him is fueled by his emotion. Nifty is clearly not happy to see the greed and manipulation from the Suits and how it has poisoned this end of the world. The journey to get here has been difficult and long, and now these factors are adding to Nifty’s anger. His Fast Team behind him is also anxious to help return some balance to the world and before they set out to do so, Bloks reaches a hilltop and can gaze upon the industrial world for the first time.

Bloks, surprisingly to the Fast Team following him, immediately drops his normally cool and goofy demeaner and becomes absolutely enraged at the cite of the city. He drops to his knees and lets out a ferocious roar that even strikes some fear and reservations in the heart of the Fast Team behind him. Clearly, Bloks is becoming disconnected from his normal self. The Fast Team behind him have no fear of what may come at them when they enter the city, they instead fear for the Suits and what Bloks may do when he comes upon them.

The greed and power that infects the industrial world because of the Suits manipulation of the Citz has created an imbalance in their own world and lives and it is now infecting the Pandoes.




I am creating a collection of NFTs on the WAX Blockchain that tells the story of characters known as The Pandoes & how they may help return equity to the world.